Hack facebook pasword by using forgot password.

Hack facebook pasword by using forgot password.

Facebook is the most popular social site in the world. All people are having facebook account and also searching how to hack facebook password.because it is very interesting to view the another person's messages and all the informationhacking facebook password is simple or difficult?
the answer is very very simple. Yes it is possible to hack a password with in a two minutes.
i already shared to How to Post Blue Color text on Facebook?and how To Delete Facebook Account permanentlythat the two post's are very interesting and most of the people are don't know this tricks.
now i share to you how to Hack the Facebook Password by using forgot password:
it is very very simple method to hack a facebook password.follow the steps to hack a password.
*first of all you need to find the victim or enemy email address(that is available in victim profile)
*then create a fake email id(don't put your name)
*after creating email id,go to the facebook login page
*then select "forgot password"
*now the page opened "Identify Your Account" then put your victim email address on the email field then press search.
*then it ask to you "Are you really sure?" for the above of victim name. select the victim name.

*now new page are opened and select "No longer have access to these?"
*now it ask to you a new email id.so put your fake email id then press submit.
*now facebook ask a small security question(this question are set by your victim).

the common question's are
1.in what city your mother was born?
2.What was the last name of your first grade teacher?
the first question's answer are available in your victim profile.that is home town or current city.go to your victim profile and view the home town and currenty city.then answer the security question.
.just guess and alternatively change some words.some city or town have a two name's.and also same city have a long and sort names.so guess and try continuously.
the second questions answer are victim or enemy name(most of the people are set his/her own name).
if you fail in this hack try the other account.don't leave your hacking interests. some account's are not satisfy this trick so try more than 5 account.
if this method are very useful to you then share and leave a comment and also tell your problem.and submit your email to subscribe the all hacking and technology posts.
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