10 Important Ways to become safe from being Hacked.

10 Important Ways to become safe from 

being Hacked.
1. Use different passwords on different sites.
2. Think before you tweet and how you share information.
3. Never reuse your main email password, if once hacked.
4. Ignore pop-ups.
5. Run more than one email account for different purposes.
6. Don't store your card details on websites.
4. Don't allow any unwanted apps like these days a fake skype app is used on fb. It uses your access token to access account.
5. Enable two-step verification.
6. Keep your phone and tablet devices Locked.
7. Check the link while you start logging in.
8. Human error is still the most likely reason why you'll get hacked.
9. Remember you're human after all. While much of the above are technical solutions to prevent you being hacked and scammed, hacking done well is really the skill of tricking human beings, not computers, by preying on their gullibility, taking advantage of our trust, greed or altruistic impulses.
10. Human error is still the most likely reason why you'll get hacked
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