How to change the boot logo in Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 ?
I have been asked how to change the boot logo in Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 thousands of times by the users of my apps and by Winaero blog visitors. This is the most popular feature request for my Boot UI Tuner. Today, I am going to share with you a tutorial which will allow you to change the boot logo of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 and replace it with some custom logo. Read the instructions below.
First you need to have full access to the following file. This file is where the boot logo is stored:
The easiest way to obtain full access is the TakeOwnershipEx application. It will allow you to obtain full access to any file with one click!
Alternatively, run the following commands in an elevated command prompt:
takeown /f C:\Windows\Boot\Resources\bootres.dll icacls C:\Windows\Boot\Resources\bootres.dll /grant %username%:f
Replacing the file containing the boot logo:
- To prepare the replacement bootres.dll, create a directory on your C drive: C:\Bootlogo. Copy the bootres.dll file to that folder.
- Create a folder called Logos. This is folder where the images you extract from the DLL go so you can edit them.
- Now you have to download some additional apps into your Bootlogo folder:
Signer: Signer is a tool to work with custom certificates and self-signing.
Latest alpha version of 7-Zip: 7-zip is a famous free, archiving app. Don't worry, even if it says alpha, it's stable.
Restorator: This is the best resource editing tool, but it is not free. Only the Restorator app will work in this case, because other apps can damage the resources inside the DLL. e.g. the popular freeware, Resource Hacker is not suitable in our case. - Using Restorator, open the bootres.dll file and navigate to the RCData section on the left. Within it, you will see a file called "1". Right click it and extract -> Extract as -> extract as... and save it asRCDATA_1.wim.
- Open the RCDATA_1.wim file you extracted in the previous step using 7-zip and extract the images to the folder you made to edit them. They need to be of the same resolution as the originals. Their format must be "24-bit bitmap". Use your favorite image editor to make replacement images.
- When you finish, use 7-Zip again to pack the edited images back into the RCDATA_1.wim file.
- In Restorator, right click "1" and select Assign -> Assign to.... Browse for your edited RCData_1.wim.
- Save the DLL and close Restorator.
- Open an elevated command prompt, change to the C:\Bootlogo folder by typing:
cd C:\Bootlogo and then type the following command in your C:\Bootlogo folder:signer /sign sign bootres.dll
The Signer app will ask you to install a root certificate, choose yes. - Place your modified bootres.dll file back in the C:\Windows\Boot\resources folder and reboot your PC! If your logo disappears, and you see only the boot animation (the spinning circle), then try one of these two things:
- run the following command in an elevated command prompt:
Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON
Reboot your PC. - Repeat all steps once again, it's possible you did something wrong.
- run the following command in an elevated command prompt:
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