How Hackers Send Fake Mails ?
Many time you see mails in your inbox like you HAVE WON $100000 and the surprising thing there is that the mail address is from banks like and . So  the question arises how it can be possible to send mail to anyone with others official email addresses. 

There are many websites that can help to you send fake mails to anyone ,here are some websites listed below 

I like and most . So here is example
I will send a mail myself with fake email address of

This is the interface of the

Step1:- From Name:- Write any fake name like Bill Gates Step2:- From E-mail:- Fake email from the email sent.
Step3:- To :- address whom you want to send mail
Step4:- Subject::- Its same like the Subject like yahoo,gmail.

After write anything you want and is my inbox where I am getting job from Microsoft. You can panic your friends with this a simple man having a bit knowledge about computers can be hacked through this easily. 

So Be Safe From hackers !! ☺
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